Agenda item: Nuclear safety, security and safeguards in Ukraine
Statement by Denmark
Thank you Chair,
1. Denmark fully aligns itself with the statement delivered earlier by Poland.
2. We thank the Director General for his report. Three years into Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, the report clearly highlights its severe consequences for nuclear safety and security.
3. Against this backdrop, we commend the Agency’s presence at all Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, including ZNPP. In line with the EU position and the Joint Statement delivered by Canada, we recall the importance of fully complying with Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in this regard.
4. According to the report, the highly alarming situation at the ZNPP continues: Six of the seven indispensable pillars of nuclear safety and security are being compromised and the DG’s Five Principles are being put “at great risk”. Meanwhile the report underlines that Russia still does not grant the IAEA full and timely access to all areas and ZNPP staff members of relevance to nuclear safety and security.
5. We are grateful for the Agency’s many visits to Ukrainian substations where it has documented the damage inflicted by Russian attacks and assessed the impact of the attacks on the safe operation of nuclear facilities served by the substations. In this regard, we also recall the DG’s fourth Indispensable Pillar which underscores the cruciality of reliable off-site power supply for nuclear power plants.
6. It is key that the IAEA continues these visits to help ensure the stability of critical energy infrastructure to avoid negative impacts on nuclear safety.
7. On the 14th of February 2025 a drone struck the New Safe Confinement at the Chornobyl site, causing a major fire. The drone parts have been assessed by an IAEA team as being consistent with a Shahed type unmanned aerial vehicle. Fortunately, there have not been reports of changes to radiation levels inside or outside the building. Nevertheless, we strongly condemn such attacks that can have disastrous consequences.
8. We continue to demand that Russia complies with international law and the calls of both this Board and the General Conference. Russia must reverse its invasion by fully withdrawing its forces, other personnel and all military equipment from the ZNPP and the entire territory of Ukraine. We, with the UN General Assembly, wholly reject Russia’s claims of ownership of the ZNPP.
9. In closing, I would like to underline my country’s full and unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.
Thank you, Chair