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IAEA Bord of governors

Agenda item 7d: NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Vienna, 3-7 March 2025

Statement by Denmark

Thank you, Chair

1. Denmark fully aligns itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the European Union.

2. The report before the Board is exceedingly clear that there has been no progress on any of the issues covered during this reporting period. In fact, in most cases, there has been no progress for significantly longer. We fully share the Director General’s serious concern that the outstanding safeguards issues remain unresolved more than two years after the Board first issued its call for urgent and essential action by Iran.

3. Our concern is the result of two major facts: Firstly, the Agency is unable to provide assurances that the Iranian nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful because Iran is not fulfilling legally binding safeguards obligations. And secondly, this is happening in a country with a highly developed and fast advancing nuclear programme, producing and stockpiling vast amounts of enriched uranium for, at best, unclear purposes.

4. In this connection, we strongly regret that Iran is still refusing to implement modified Code 3.1 in contravention of its legal obligations. This is particularly problematic as Iran has announced a decision to construct new nuclear reactors, and the Agency is being obstructed in its ability to conduct the verification work it is mandated to carry out.


5. Denmark fully supports the IAEA and the safeguards system underpinning the international non-proliferation regime. The IAEA is the right organisation to assess and report, in a comprehensive manner and based on all information available, on the possible presence or use of undeclared nuclear material in Iran. We still hope that Iran will cooperate with the Agency and fully comply with its obligations. This is the only way for the international community to receive the necessary assurances about the nature of Iran’s nuclear activities. 

Thank you Chair